A middle-position player limped in, Mickey Appleman made a pot-sized raise, Phil Hellmuth called from middle position, Eric Froehlich called from the button, and the MP limper called. The flop was . The MP player checked, Appleman checked, Hellmuth bet 5,000, Froehlich raised the size of the pot to 21,200, the MP player folded, and Appleman raised all in for 85,000.
When Appleman moved in, Hellmuth sprung to life. "Jesus! What is going on here?" he exclaimed. "You flop me top two every time," he remarked to the dealer.
After his little song and dance, Hellmuth folded. The action was back to Eric Froehlich, who called off his last 5,000.
Froehlich flipped over for top pair and a small flush draw in clubs while Appleman showed for a pair of kings and the nut flush draw in clubs, causing Hellmuth to enter into another verbal tirade.
"Why would you make that play? You have no money involved!" Hellmuth screeched.
The turn was the and the river was the , making Froehlich the nut flush in hearts. Froehlich dragged the pot and was up to 85,000 after the hand, while Appleman was down to 40,000.