2008 World Series of Poker
Event 41 - $1,500 Mixed Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info

Seat 1: Chris Rentes (Kinnegad, Ireland) -- 132,000
Seat 2: Michael Chu (Los Angeles, California) -- 264,000
Seat 3: Alex Jalali (Bochum, Germany) -- 204,000
Seat 4: Nick Binger (Las Vegas, Nevada) -- 339,000
Seat 5: David MacHowsky (Dayton, Ohio) -- 147,500
Seat 6: Jonathan Tamayo (Humble, Texas) -- 238,500
Seat 7: Mats Gavatin (Stockholm, Sweden) -- 405,000
Seat 8: Frank Gary (Fort Myers, Florida) -- 332,000
Seat 9: David Sorger (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) -- 130,000
The finale in this one is set for a 3pm PDT kickoff in the Amazon Room. We'll have the latest updates right here on PokerNews.