The Live One
Hellmuth tabled

Plastik tabled

The board was

Plastik hit his three outer and this prompted the beginning of the Phil Hellmuth show. He started berating Plastik for his play and said this is what keeps happening to him him at this year's WSOP. He gets it in with kings and finds a live one overplaying ace-king and sucking out on him. Plastik defended his play and not too many people were feeling sorry for Hellmuth and feel Plastik played the hand fine.
Hellmuth used the words "live one" so many times that Plastik asked if that was his nickname. Then he started to like the sound of David "Live One" Plastik that he said he might even adopt it. So if you hear it used in the future remember you heard it here first.
Plastik is up to 13,000 now while Hellmuth is down to 2,800.