Blanda from Day 1a
Preflop, Steve Pestal raised to 5,000 and Bill Blanda reraised to 20,000. Pestal then came over the top all in for 102,100 and Blanda insta-called. The dealer announced, "all in and call, table 36." ESPN camera and even Lon McEachern came over to watch the hand unfold.
The flop came and Blanda was out of his seat and pacing hoping that his aces would hold. The pacing continued and Blanda started calling out for his aces to hold. The hit the river almost as if the hand was scripted, giving Pestal the gutshot straight and cracking Blanda's aces.
Blanda loudly said, "God. They ought to make convicts play this game for punishment."
A floorman then came over and gave Blanda a warning for his outburst.
After the hand, Blanda is down to 150,000 and Pestal moved up to 205,000 in chips.