Lisa Parsons
Lisa Parsons had taken a couple of small pots with preflop raises, chipping up a bit before the following hand took place. As the dealer dealt the hand, Dennis Phillips asked his tablemates if they'd like any of his Altoids. Several did, and he passed the tin around the table.
Being under the gun, Phillips was first to act. No more friendly stuff. Phillips was raising to 70,000.
It folded to Parsons who called from middle position. Everyone else got out of the way, and the flop came . Phillips checked, Parsons bet 100,000, and Phillips called.
The turn was the . Phillips again checked, and this time Parsons fired out 200,000. Phillips went into the tank. After a couple of minutes, he asked Parsons what she had left behind. "Just a ballpark," he said. "About four," she replied, indicating approximately 400,000.
Phillips considered a while longer, then let it go. Parsons now has about 1 million, while Phillips has 1.44 million.