Ben Grundy bumped it up to 100,000 first to act before the flop. He found action from Rami Boukai on the button, and those two went together to the flop.
The first three cards off the deck were , and both players checked. When the turn brought the , Grundy fired 135,000 chips at the pot. That was enough to fold Boukai, and Grundy showed , leaving his last card face-down.
Rami Boukai opened the pot with a raise to 105,000. In the small blind, Najib Bennani made the call to go heads up to the flop.
It brought , and Bennani moved all in for 170,000. Boukai sat motionless for just a moment before lamenting, "I have to fold." He did just that, flashing two of his cards -- the two black kings -- as the pot was pushed to his opponent.
Here's the way the fab five stack up at the moment:
Rami Boukai - 1,450,000
Ben Grundy - 565,000
Daniel Makowsky - 505,000
Cornel Cimpan - 510,000
Najib Bennani - 325,000
Boukai is really building steam here. In the last hand, he raised and got no action, showing up pocket aces. There's a big pileup in the middle of the pack with three players all virtually even in chips.
Najib Bennani limped into the pot from the button, Cornel Cimpan folded the small blind, and Ben Grundy tapped the table for a free flop.
It came out , and Grundy checked. Bennani fired out 50,000 chips, and Grundy matched it.
Fourth street was the , and both players checked. The hit the river, and once more both players checked. Grundy was visibly bummed to see Bennani check behind, as he turned over -x-x, his aces full being the stone nuts. Just a few chips change hands, and we're on to the next deal.
Rami Boukai limped from UTG/the hijack, Cornel Cimpan folded from the SB, and Ben Grundy checked his option from the BB.
The flop came , and both checked. The turn was a provocative . Grundy bet 40,000, and Boukai called. The river was the . This time Grundy bet 50,000, and Boukai called.
Boukai showed for sevens full of aces, while Grundy just showed half of his hand -- -x-x -- as he mucked.
Not seeing much in the way of post-flop action lately. After a lot of grins and willingly-shown cards earlier, the mood has turned considerably more serious.
Just now Najib Bennani raised to 80,000, Cornel Cimpan repotted it from the button, and Bennani folded. Bennani has 412,000 now, and 484,000.
Rami Boukai remains the chip leader with over a million. Ben Grundy is next with 805,000, and Daniel Makowsky has 600,000.