Big Pot for Boeree

Pot-Limit Omaha
Stephen Hohman started the action with a raise to 2,400 before Ping Yung called. Both of them were in middle position. On the button, Donny Carlton called and then Liv Boeree made it 12,600 from the big blind. Hohman called and was all in for 9,000 total and then Yung called as well, creating a side pot of 7,200 between Boeree and Yung.
The flop came down and Boeree bet all in for 14,500. Yung tanked for a little bit and then folded, giving Boeree the side pot first.
Boeree held the and Hohman held the
The turn was the and the river the
. Remember, this is Omaha so the staright on the board doesn't play and Boeree's aces were the best hand. She won the pot and moved to over 55,000 in chips while busting Hohman.