Welch Grabs the Lead

Our two men took a flop of
in what would develop into the biggest pot of the head-up duel thus far. Jon Eaton checked, and Ryan Welch bet 150,000. Eaton called, and he checked again when the
hit fourth street. Welch fired another 275,000 chips, and Eaton made a quick call once again.
That brought them to the river, and Eaton faced one last bet from Welch, a big one this time, 725,000. He slowly cut out the calling chips, eying up Welch as he stacked out the correct amount. After a moment of self-convincing, he slid them into the pot.
"Full house," Welch said, and Eaton sunk in his chair. He watched his opponent table
for sixes full, good enough to win him the pot and the chip lead.
Welch - 5.48 million
Eaton - 3.21 million