Where Will LeBron Go?

The entire sports world is focusing on LeBron James today with his decision coming up shortly on where he'll be headed to next year. One of the tables, Table 299, has a little pool going on the subject. Al Riccobono brought up the idea and seven people put up $5 each for a winner-take-all bet, which may be chopped as some people share the same team. Here's who picked who.
Al Riccobono - Miami Heat
Steve Moore - Chicago Bulls
Mike Liscio - Miami Heat
Brad Miller - New Jersey Nets
James Boyle - New Jersey Nets
Alec Vanderlem - Chicago Bulls
Jeff the Dealer - Cleveland Cavaliers
Surely it'll be on the televisions around the area when it airs shortly and many of the players will be more honed in on that than anything else.