Long Tank for Wolfe

From the button, Rafe Kibrit raised to 28,000. Stephen Wolfe made the call in the big blind to see the flop come down . Both players checked.
The turn was the and Wolfe fired 48,000. Kibrit made the call.
The river was the to pair the board and Wolfe fired 88,000 with 192,000 behind. Kibrit asked Wolfe how much he had behind and then raised the pot to put Wolfe all in. Wolfe began to tank. He tanked for the remaining seven minutes of the last level and about six more minutes into the unscheduled break. Eventually, he began talking out loud to try and get some sort of a reaction from Kibrit, but Kibrit wasn't moving a muscle. Everyone had left the stage except for the tournament announcer, the dealer and the two players involved in the hand while Wolfe tanked and tanked. Eventually, he folded his hand and Kibrit started to breathe again.