Kagawa KO'ed
We only just managed to find Japanese high stakes player Masa Kagawa in the field, but no sooner had we approached him over at his table, he was already up out of his chair and heading to the exits.
As it turns out, it was Blake Kelso that was responsible for Kagawa's demise. Kagawa got the last of his money into the middle with , but found himself trailing Kelso's
Kelso kept the lead after the (one club) flop, but Kagawa picked up the flush draw with the
on the turn. However, the
on the river was not a club and it gave Kelso the wheel and Kagawa his marching orders.
The tables have been breaking in the Pavillion Room at ludicrous speed, with hundreds of players still either lined up for registration or still waiting for their tables to start. And yes, that was a Spaceballs reference. Watch that movie if you haven't yet. You'll laugh, you'll cry, it'll change your life.