Today has been the day for the double up and here is another.
Alexander Venovski raised to 200,000 on the button, Phil Ivey raised 'pot' and Venovski called for the rest of his chips (430,000).
Venovski took the lead, which was greeted by a cheer from his supporters. Ivey needed a deuce or an ace but the and let him down and Venovski doubled up.
Alex Venovski has dropped a couple little pots in the last few minutes, including having his king-high out-kicked by Ali Eslami on the last one. He's down in the danger zone now.
Andy Frankenberger is now propping up the leaderboard
Andy Frankenberger has just slid from pole position to just plain bottom of the pole.
Andy Frankenberger raised to 160,000 on the button and Ali Eslami called in the big blind. The two foes saw the flop and Eslami check-called an 80,000 Frankenberger bet. The turn card was the and both players checked. The river card was the and Eslami checked his cards before betting 175,000 and Frankenberger called once again. Eslami turned over for the boat and Frankenberger mucked his hand.
Ali Eslami raised to 160,000 from his position on the button and Andy Frankenberger called in the big blind. The flop was and both players checked. The turn card was the and Frankenberger check-called a 120,000 Eslami bet. Finally the pair saw the , Frankenberger checked, Eslami bet 270,000, Frankenberger snap-called and Eslami won a juicy pot with .
Andy Frankenberger called in the small blind and Alexander Venovski raised 'pot' from the big blind. The bet was 240,000 and the chip leader paused for thought before mucking his hand.
Next it is Venovski in the small blind and he bets 230,000 and Eslami steps out of his way.
Phil Ivey limped into the pot from the small blind and Andy Frankenberger checked in the big blind. The dealer handed the pair a flop of , Ivey bet 80,000 and Frankenberger called. That was the end of the action as the and were checked down and Frankenberger won the pot with for two pair; Ivey mucked .
The action folded around to Andy Frankenberger in the small blind and Alexander Venovski checked in the big blind. The flop was , Frankenberger checked as did Venovski. The turn was the , Frankenberger bet 135,000 and Venovski mucked his hand.
Then it was Alexander Venovski in the small blind and he made the call. Ali Eslami was in the big blind and he checked. The pair saw the and both players checked. The turn was the and once again the action was checkity-check. The river was the and for the third time both players checked. Venovski turned over and took down the pot.
Alexander Venovski raised to 160,000 on the button, Ali Eslam called in the small blind as did Phil Ivey in the big blind.
Both blinds check to the raiser, Venovski, and he placed two huge towers of orange chips across the line. The total bet size was a stack committing 350,000 and both players folded.