2014 World Series of Poker

Event #9: $1,000 No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
40,000 / 80,000

Hands #193-198

Level 27 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Hand 193: Danny Nguyen raised to 80,000, Jeff Smith folded.

Hand 194: Smith opened to 80,000, Nguyen called and the two saw a {q-Spades}{5-Hearts}{4-Hearts} flop. Both players checked to the turn {7-Clubs}. Nguyen bet 90,000, Smith called to the river {9-Spades}. Both players checked again, Nguyen turned over {j-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} and it was good.

Hand 195: Nguyen raised to 80,000, Smith folded.

Hand 196: Smith slid out a raise of 80,000 and Nguyen made the call. The dealer rolled out a {8-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{9-Hearts} flop, Nguyen checked, Smith bet 90,000, and Nguyen called. The turn was the {9-Clubs}, Nguyen checked, Smith bet 135,000, Nguyen folded.

Hand 197: Level 26 was completed after the last hand. Level 27 began with Nguyen raising to 110,000 and Smith made the call. Flop {a-Spades}{q-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}, Smith checked, Nguyen bet 135,000, Smith folded.

Hand 198: Smith opened to 110,000 and Nguyen called. The flop came out {a-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}{q-Spades}, Nguyen checked, Smith bet 125,000 and Nguyen folded.

Tags: Danny NguyenJeff SmithNghiahiep Nguyen

Level: 27

Blinds: 25,000/50,000

Ante: 5,000

Hands #183-192

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Hand 183: Danny Nguyen raised to 80,000 and won.

Hand 184: Jeff Smith raised to 80,000 and got called. Nguyen check-folded the {10-Hearts}{3-Hearts}{10-Clubs} flop.

Hand 185: Nguyen called and Smith checked. Smith check-folded to 75,000 on the {8-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} flop.

Hand 186: Nguyen got a walk.

Hand 187: Nguyen raised to 80,000 and then folded to Smith's 190,000 three-bet.

Hand 188: Smith won the pot by raising the button.

Hand 189: Nguyen won with a preflop raise to 80,000.

Hand 190: Nguyen got a walk.

Hand 191: Smith got a walk.

Hand 192: Smith raised to 80,000 and Nguyen called. The {a-Hearts}{a-Spades}{9-Spades} flop led to a bet of 90,000 by Smith after a Nguyen check. Nguyen folded.

Tags: Danny NguyenJeff Smith

Hands #172-182: Chips Trickle Back and Forth

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Hand 172: Jeff Smith raised to 80,000 and won the pot.

Hand 173: Danny Nguyen raised to 80,000 and won the pot.

Hand 174: Jeff Smith raised to 80,000 and Danny Nguyen came along to see a flop of {8-Diamonds}{5-Spades}{j-Hearts} and both players checked. The turn was another jack {j-Clubs} and Nguyen led out for 80,000. Smith called and the river was dealt {6-Diamonds}. Both players checked and Nguyen showed an ace-high, no good to the {q-Hearts}{5-Diamonds} of Smith for two pair.

Hand 175: Jeff Smith got a walk.

Hand 176: Danny Nguyen got a walk.

Hand 177: Danny Nguyen raised to 80,000 and Jeff Smith called. The flop came {2-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{8-Spades} and Smith check-called the bet of 110,000 from Nguyen. The turn was the {a-Spades} and Smith check-folded the bet of 250,000 from Nguyen.

Hand 178: Danny Nguyen got a walk.

Hand 179: Danny Nguyen raised to 80,000 and Jeff Smith three-bet to 190,000. Nguyen four-bet all in to risk his tournament life, but Smith folded and Nguyen took down the pot preflop.

Hand 180: Jeff Smith raised to 80,000 and won the pot.

Hand 181: Danny Nguyen raised to 80,000 and Jeff Smith called. The flop was dealt {5-Hearts}{a-Hearts}{k-Clubs} and Smith check-folded to Nguyen's continuation bet of 125,000.

Hand 182: Jeff Smith raised to 80,000 and Danny Nguyen called. The flop was {9-Clubs}{9-Spades}{q-Hearts} and both players checked. The turn was the {8-Hearts} and both players checked again. The river was the {a-Hearts} and Nguyen check-called Smith's bet of 100,000, but was behind Smith's {a-Diamonds}{k-Clubs} for rivered top pair to go with the pair on the board.

Tags: Danny NguyenJeff Smith

Win an iPad Mini from PokerNews

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante
iPad Mini Giveaway
iPad Mini Giveaway

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The sweepstakes opened Monday, May 26 at 7 a.m. EDT and ends Thursday, June 26 at 7 p.m. EDT. Readers from all over the globe are eligible to win. A winner will be announced and notified July 6. You can view the official rules on the contest posted on the PokerNews LockerDome page.

Tags: LockerDomeiPad

Hands #161-171

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Hand 161: Jeff Smith gets a walk.

Hand 162: Smith raise to 80,000, Danny Nguyen folds.

Hand 163: Nguyen opened to 80,000, Smith called to see a {j-Spades}{q-Hearts}{9-Clubs} flop. Smith checked, Nguyen bet 125,000, Smith folded.

Hand 164: Smith opened to 80,000, Nguyen called. Flop {k-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}{9-Hearts}, Nguyen checked, Smith bet 90,000, Nguyen called. Turn {j-Hearts}, Nguyen lead out for 160,000 and Smith called. River {7-Diamonds}, Nguyen lead out again, this time 450,000, SMith folds.

Hand 165: Nguyen opened to 80,000 and Smith called. Flop was dealt {q-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}, Nguyen bet 125,000, Smith raised to 290,000, Nguyen folded.

Hand 166: Smith opened to 80,000, Nguyen folded.

Hand 167: Nguyen opened to 80,000, Smith folded.

Hand 168: Smith gave Nguyen a walk.

Hand 169: Nguyen opened to 80,000, Smith raised to 140,000, Nguyen folded.

Hand 170: Smith raised to 80,000, Nguyen folded.

Hand 171: Nguyen opened to 80,000, Smith mucked

Tags: Danny NguyenJeff SmithNghiahiep Nguyen

Hands #150-160: Taking Walks

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Hand 150: Jeff Smith won with a button raise.

Hand 151: Smith got a walk.

Hand 152: Smith raised to 80,000 and won.

Hand 153: Smith got a walk.

Hand 154: Danny Nguyen got a walk.

Hand 155: Smith got a walk.

Hand 156: Nguyen got a walk.

Hand 157: Smith got a walk.

Hand 158: Smith raised to 80,000 and won.

Hand 159: Nguyen raised to 80,000 and was called. He won the pot with a continuation-bet on the {3-Hearts}{2-Spades}{2-Clubs} flop.

Hand 160: Smith opened to 80,000, and Nguyen called. A {6-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} flop hit, and Nguyen check-called 90,000. He then checked the {j-Spades} turn and Smith bet 160,000. This was enough to convince Nguyen to lay down.

Tags: Danny NguyenJeff Smith

Hands: #139-149: Slow Start Heads Up

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Hand 139: Danny Nguyen won the pot with a min-raise.

Hand 140: Jeff Smith won the pot with a min-raise.

Hand 141: Jeff Smith got a walk.

Hand 142: Jeff Smith raised to 80,000 and Danny Nguyen called. The flop came {10-Hearts}{j-Spades}{9-Clubs} and Nguyen check-folded to Smith's 90,000 continuation bet.

Hand 143: Danny Nguyen raised to 80,000 and folded to a three-bet from Jeff Smith for 200,000.

Hand 144: Jeff Smith raised to 80,000 and Danny Nguyen to go to a flop of {a-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}. Nguyen check-called Smith's bet of 100,000 and the turn came {10-Clubs}. Nguyen check-folded to Smith's bet of 150,000 and Smith scooped the pot.

Hand 145: Danny Nguyen raised to 80,000 and Jeff Smith called. The flop was dealt {4-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}{9-Hearts}. Smith led out for 85,000 and Nguyen called. The turn came {3-Spades} and both players checked, bringing a river of {6-Spades}. Smith check-called Nguyen's 200,000 bet, and had the best hand with {k-Hearts}{j-Diamonds} for king-high.

Hand 146: Danny Nguyen was given a walk.

Hand 147: Jeff Smith was given a walk.

Hand 148: Jeff Smith took the small pot with a 80,000 raise.

Hand 149: Danny Nguyen took the pot with a raise of 80,000.

Tags: Danny NguyenJeff Smith