Hands #73-79: Smith Doubles Up

Hand #73: Jeffrey Smith shoved all in on the button for 21,600,000 and Jayachandra Gangaiah called from the big blind.
Jeffrey Smith:
Jayachandra Gangaiah:
The dealer spread out to improve Smith to a straight on the river to double back into it.
Hand #74: Jorden Fox made it 3,000,000 on the button and Smith defended the big blind. On the flop, Smith checked, Fox bet 4,200,000, Smith check-raised to 8,500,000, and Fox called.
The turn brought the and Smith checked. Fox cut out a bet of 10,000,000 and slid it forward. Smith gave him an intense staredown before laying it down.
Hand #75: Fox got a walk.
Hand #76: Smith made it 2,700,000 on the button and a family pot was played. It got checked down all the way on . Fox showed
, Smith
and they chopped it.
Hand #77: Smith got a walk.
Hand #78: Gangaiah shoved the button and received no callers.
Hand #79: Fox shoved in the small blind and won the hand.