Robin Keston has the button in Seat 1. Action folds around the table to Stanislav Alekhin who makes it 34,000 to go. Robin Keston and Daniel Negreanu fold from the button and small blind respectively and Bengt Sonnert then opts to defend his big blind, raising to 125,000. Alekhin makes the call and sees the flop come .
Sonnert makes a continuation bet of 150,000 on the flop and Alekhin delves deep into the tank, before eventually emerging with a call.
The turn brings the and Sonnert puts on the brakes, passing the first action to his Russian nemesis, who checks behind.
The last card off the deck is the and another check-check sequence brings us to the showdown:
Alekhin's pair of fives prove good and the dealer pushes him the pot.