Hockey Sticks
"Hockey Sticks" is a poker term specifically referring to a pair of sevens (7-7) in a player's initial hand.

What are Hockey Sticks in Poker?
In poker, a wide range of terms and slang are used to represent certain hands and situations. "Hockey Sticks" is one such term. A pair of sevens (7-7) is often referred to as "Hockey Sticks". The term is not that widely used, but if you hear it at the poker table you know Hockey Sticks refers to a pair of sevens.
The Significance of Hockey Sticks
Understanding the term "Hockey Sticks'' is not as important as understanding how to actually play the hand. In poker terms, a pair of sevens is a middle pair and a mediocre hand. While you have a pair preflop, you'll at best be flipping against the majority of your opponents' ranges if they've joined the hand. You'll also rarely be dominated any hands, with the exception of perhaps a pair of sixes or an Ace and a seven, while you're more likely to be dominated by a higher pair. Even if you aren't, you must hope to avoid all your opponents' overcards they have to your vulnerable pair.
The best way to play Hockey Sticks is to be aggressive preflop in order to try get as many of your opponents out of the pot as possible. A pair of sevens play a lot better heads up than against multiple opponents. That being said, if there is preflop action before you act or you get raised, you should proceed with caution as your Hockey Sticks will likely not be in a good spot.
Example of "Hockey Sticks"
Imagine a situation where you are dealt a pair of sevens, also known as 'Hockey Sticks'. The flop comes out to be 2, 7, 10. With your 'Hockey Sticks', you now have a set, which is a strong hand. However, there's a possibility for an opponent to have a straight or flush if the turn and river cards are unfavorable.
- "I was dealt Hockey Sticks and won the pot after the flop showed a 2, 7, and 10."
- "She played her Hockey Sticks cautiously as there was a potential straight on the board."
- "Holding Hockey Sticks, he decided to fold after the flop showed two face cards."
Why are sevens referred to as Hockey Sticks in poker?
Sevens are referred to as Hockey Sticks in poker as a part of the game's slang. The term is used universally in poker.
How should I play Hockey Sticks in a poker game?
The strategy for playing Hockey Sticks depends on various factors such as the number of players, their playing style, and the community cards. It's not a strong hand but can still win the pot if played strategically.
Are Hockey Sticks considered a good hand in poker?
Hockey Sticks or a pair of sevens is not considered a strong hand in poker. However, it can still win the pot if the community cards are favorable.
Is the term Hockey Sticks used in both online and live poker?
Yes, the term Hockey Sticks is universally used in poker, be it online or live games.
Can Hockey Sticks be used in both tournaments and cash games?
Yes, the term Hockey Sticks can be used in both poker tournaments and cash games.