WCOOP-16-H: $10,300 NLHE [8-Max, Progressive KO, High Roller], $1M Gtd
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PokerStars WCOOP 2020
Final Results
Winning Hand
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80,000 / 160,000
Players Info - Day 2
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LeslieGroves Wins 2020 WCOOP-16-H: $10,300 NLHE [8-Max, Progressive KO, High Roller]Rodrigo "Seijistar" Seiji Eliminated in 2nd PlaceArtur "mararthur1" Martirosian Eliminated in 4th PlaceAdrian "Amadi_017" Mateos Eliminated in 3rd PlaceSeiji Doubles Through MateosMateos vs Martirosian Part IIIMateos Doubles Into the LeadMateos Doubles Through MartirosianBrunno "botteonpoker" Botteon Eliminated in 5th PlaceMateos Doubles Through Martirosian AgainSeiji Doubles Through MartirosianSchemion and Vieira eliminated by MartirosianThomas "MarToMchat" Boivin Eliminated in 6th PlaceSchemion vs MartirosianLeslieGroves Doubles Through VieiraBoivin doubles through LeslieGrovesDavid "dpeters17" Peters Eliminated in 9th PlaceBoivin Doubles Through MartirosianMateos Doubles Through Schemion"Kurtkaare" Eliminated in 10th PlaceVieira doubles through BoivinDouble Knockout on the BubbleGeilich eliminated by MartirosianBoivin vs SchemionShakerchi Eliminated by SchemionBotteon doubles through KurtkaareYurasov eliminated by SeijiBotteon double through LeslieGrovesKanit eliminated by MartirosianStokkan eliminated by KurtkaareMartirosian vs KanitLyapin eliminated by NemethMattsson Eliminated by KurtkaareMateos Doubles Through MattssonEibinger Eliminated by MartirosianTaylor eliminated by NemethHunichen eliminated by BotteonSchemion Doubles Through NemethHiggins vs MartirosianMargereson vs BotteonTriple Up for MateosChilaud eliminated by Taylorserggorelyi7 vs GeilichChilaud vs YurasovSchemion vs MateosVousden eliminated by MartirosianKanit doubles through roo_400Astedt eliminated by MartirosianBotteon vs BoivinQuads for SchemionPassiveaggro vs LeslieGrovesChilaud vs AltBoika vs Muehloeckerhello_totti eliminatedSeiji vs IgnatBenitez vs Muehloeckerroo_400 vs EibingerMeran eliminated by Passiveaggroxnrobix vs BenitezLeonard vs MateosSchemion vs KurtkaareBotteon vs LeonardEibinger vs Chidwick vs BotteonSegebrecht vs AltBotteon vs SintorasKurtkaare vs EibingerPedes vs GonzalezVolkmann eliminatedTriple Knockout for KurtkaareSchemion vs PassiveaggroChidwick vs JeppssonChidwick vs DattaniDouble Knockout for BotteonMattsson vs MulderTaylor first to bustDzivielevski eliminated by BeresfordGeilich vs AstedtOliveira vs TaylorAlt vs PassiveaggroHunichen vs Chidwick