Jonathan Tamayo raises to 65,000 on the button. Frank Gary makes the call.
The flop comes and both players check. The turn is another queen, the . Both players check again. The river is the and Gary leads out for 70,000. Tamayo calls.
Frank Gary raises to 87,000. Jonathan Tamayo wastes little time in making the call.
The flop comes and Tamayo checks. Gary fires out 125,000. Tamayo raises to 425,000 to put the pressure back on Gary. Gary studies and then decides that it's right to fold.
Jonathan Tamayo calls from the button. Frank Gary checks his option and we'll see a flop.
The flop comes and Gary checks. Tamayo bets 35,000. Gary announces a raise and makes it 110,000 total. Tamayo doesn't flinch, instead he sits and ponders his next move.
Frank Gary raises to 112,000. Jonathan Tamayo reraises all in and has Gary covered. Gary makes the call for his last 430,000.
The flop is , giving Gary two pair and Tamayo a gutter. The turn is the and the river is the . Gary has successfully doubled up and the players are just about dead even in chips.