Frank Gary gets a walk on the first hand of man-to-man play.
2008 World Series of Poker
Event 41 - $1,500 Mixed Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info
Frank Gary gets a walk on the first hand of man-to-man play.
Tamayo - 1,399,000
Gary - 794,000

Frank Gary has the button and folds. Nick Binger raises from the small blind and Jonathan Tamayo reraises out of the big blind. Binger reraises, making it four bets. Tamayo caps the action and Binger calls.
The flop is



The turn is the

As he exits, Binger makes his way over to his group of friends and mentions that he really wanted first place. His friends hand him a glass of freshly-poured champagne and congratulate him anyway. He smiles and moves on to his interview.
Nick Binger has the button, and he lets his hand go. Jonathan Tamayo raises from the small blind, and Frank Gary comes along with the extra bet.
The flop shows up

Fourth street:

The river:

None of our three players can seem to pull away from the field here deep in the final table.
Gary - 692,000
Binger - 489,000
Level: 24
Blinds: 0/0
Ante: 0

One thing that has changed is that Frank Gary has opened up and is playing more pots than he was before.